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22-01 <br />Council Member o' Donnellntroduced the following ordinance and moved its adoption. <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />ORDINANCE NO. 22-01 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONVEYING CERTAIN CITY PROPERTY TO FACILITATE THE <br />REALIGNMENT OF A PUBLIC TRAIL IN THE WEST SHADOW PONDS <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />The City Council of the City of Lino Lakes, Anoka County, Minnesota does hereby ordain: <br />Section 1 Findings <br />The City Council finds that: <br />A) The City of Lino Lakes currently owns a parcel of 0.38 acres in Section 32 that originally <br />was intended to provide for a public park trail that will access Birchwood Acres Park. This <br />parcel currently has the PID# 32 31 22 13 0008 and the legal description as described in <br />Attachment A. <br />B) The City Council approved Resolution 01-113 on August 13, 2001, approving the West <br />Shadow Ponds preliminary plat. <br />C) The West Shadow Ponds plat design realigns the proposed public park trail onto land <br />currently owned by the developer of the plat, and includes a residential lot on the land <br />currently owned by the City. <br />D) It is therefore necessary to convey the City parcel to the developer to facilitate the platting of <br />the property as approved. <br />E) The 0.38 -acre parcel is no longer needed for the trail. The City will require the developer to <br />dedicate the new trail corridor to the City with the recording of the final plat. <br />Section 2 <br />The City Council hereby approves the sale of the described land to Richard Carlson & <br />Associates for the price of one dollar ($1.00). <br />Passed by the Lino Lakes City Council t tJ day of Zes. 2001 <br />eson, Mayor <br />