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Sion Ordinance Revisions — An ordinance repealing existing sign code regulations and <br />adopting new regulations to govern signs in all zoning districts <br />Ben Gozola, Consulting Planner, presented a proposed ordinance to repeal all existing <br />sign code regulations in favor of revised sign controls. He said the proposed regulations <br />have been drafted in response to public input, and had to remain within constitutional <br />guidelines. The goal of the City is to balance the need for businesses to advertise <br />themselves and to address residents' aesthetic concerns. <br />The Planning Commission had held a public hearing and subsequently recommended <br />approval of the proposed ordinance to update the City's sign regulations as presented. <br />Neil Krueger, 4452 Lake Elmo Avenue N., believed the entire sign ordinance was very <br />complicated and should be simplified. Deb Krueger noted the sizerof the lettering on <br />neighborhood signs should be addressed because they were difficult to read. She asked <br />the Council to address signs for residents who want to sell ea-�2s'!or hav_ <br />Joe Heinen, who owns a building at 9242 Hudson Blvd.; believed the sign regulations <br />were too restrictive for a multi -tenant building. <br />Among the items considered, the Council debated whether neighborhood entrance signs <br />attracted buyers to model homes and helped Tealtors se`lllomes or directed people to <br />neighborhoods. The Council agreed on restrictions placed' signs in the Old Village <br />which would have Iimited illumination and design guidelines imposed on them. There <br />was disagreement on a provision that would'a'Ilow 12-foot signs in the Old Village. With <br />growth and changes to the City? s comprehensive plan, Council member Emmons <br />suggested looking at the sign criteria for,the busimess cor idor along interstate 94. <br />MOTION: Council Member DeLapp moved to table the sign ordinance revision to the <br />May 5, 2009 City Council Metzng. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. The <br />motion passed 5-6. <br />Update on house rehabilitation ` 9224 31 st Street N. <br />Ben Gozola, Consultmg'Planrier, reported the City Council entered into an agreement <br />with Linda and David HdW to address all issues surrounding the house rehabilitation at <br />9224 3 Is' Street. The agreement established a list of 25 items that needed to be <br />completed by April 7, 2009, to allow the City to issue a temporary certificate of <br />occupancy for the house. Staff recommended delaying action until the new City Attorney <br />is on board in early May. <br />The consensus of the Council was to postpone action on this matter at this time and <br />submit information to the new civil attorney, David Snyder, for the May 5, 2009 City <br />Council meeting. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 21, 2009 2 <br />