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TI IE CITY OF <br />LAKE ELMO <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: May 11, 2017 <br />REGULAR <br />ITEM #: <br />MOTION <br />AGENDA ITEM: Election of Officers <br />SUBMITTED BY: Kristin Handt, City Administrator <br />BACKGROUND: <br />Per the bylaws of the EDA, some officers of the Authority, such as the President, Vice -President and <br />Treasurer, shall be members of the board and elected annually. The Secretary and Assistant Treasurer need <br />not be members of the Board. <br />The officers last elected in July 2013 were: <br />President: Mike Pearson <br />Vice President: Dan Raleigh <br />Secretary: John Schiltz <br />Treasurer: Steve Nelson <br />Assistant Treasurer: John Thompson <br />Who should be elected to each officer position? <br />PROPOSAL DETAILS/ANALYSIS: <br />Any members of the EDA may be appointed to any of the officer positions. In addition, it is possible to <br />appoint a non -board member (i.e. staff) to be Secretary and/or Assistant Treasurer. <br />ATTACHMENT: <br />• Bylaws of the Economic Development Authority of the City of Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />