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Section 4. Order of Business. At the regular meetings of the Board the following shall <br />be the order of business: <br />1. Roll Call. <br />2. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. <br />3. Bills and communications. <br />4. Reports. <br />5. Unfinished business. <br />6. New business. <br />7. Adjournment. <br />All resolutions shall be written or transcribed and shall be retained in the journal of the <br />proceedings maintained by the Secretary. <br />Section 5. Adoption of Resolutions. Resolutions of the Board shall be deemed <br />adopted if approved by not less than a simple majority of all Commissioners present, unless a different <br />requirement for adoption is prescribed by law. Resolutions may but need not be read aloud prior to vote <br />taken thereon and may but not need be executed after passage. <br />Section 6. Rules of Order. The meetings of the Board shall be governed by the most <br />recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order. <br />ARTICLE IV — MISCELLANEOUS <br />Section 1. Amendments to Bylaws. The bylaws of the Authority shall be amended <br />only by resolution approved by at least three of the members of the Board. <br />Section 2. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Authority shall coincide with the fiscal <br />year of the City of Lake Elmo, Minnesota. <br />Adopted on 2013. <br />