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City of Lake Elmo <br />City Council Meeting Minutes March 4, 2008 <br />Mayor Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> PRESENT: Mayor Johnston, Council Members DeLapp, Johnson, Park and Smith Also Present: City Administrator Hoyt, Finance Director Bouthilet, City Attorney , <br />Planning Director Klatt, and City Clerk Lumby <br /> APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: Council Member moved approval of the March 4, 2008 agenda as amended by adding Council Member seconded the motion. The motion <br />passed unanimously. <br /> ORDER OF BUSINESS: APPROVE MINUTES: <br />Consider approval of February 19, 2008 minutes <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS/INQUIRIES: <br /> <br />CONSENT AGENDA: MOTION: Council Member moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Council Member seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />• Approve Resolution no. 2008-013 payment of claims in the amount of $285,903.70. REGULAR AGENDA: <br />Conditional job offer to Steven Henjum, Ben Hall and GT Magnuson MOTION: Council Member moved to make conditional job offer to Steve Henjum, Ben Hall and GT Magnuson pending the outcome of their department physical and each will be placed on probationary status with the fire department if their physical is <br />passed. Council Member seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Request to provide funding for the Lucy Winton Athletic Fields