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<br />CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 1, 2007 AGENDA <br /> 6: 45 P.M. INTERVIEW FOR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION – Bob Schumacher 7:00 P.M. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER <br /> B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ATTENDANCE: Mayor Johnston ___, Council Members DeLapp ___Johnson ___, Park___, Smith___ D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Consider approval of minutes from meeting of April 17, 2007 F. PUBLIC COMMENTS/INQUIRIES: Meeting attendees wishing to address the city council on an item NOT on the regular agenda may speak for up to three minutes. G. CONSENT AGENDA: Items are on the consent agenda because they are routine business and are <br />not for discussion. 2. Approve resolution no. 2007-036 for claim numbers 391, 392, DD1180 through DD1192, 30795 through 30805 and 393, 30806 through 30861in the total amount of $499,720.14. 3. Approve contract payments: a. Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo Heights water main extension payment certificate No. 7 in the <br /> amount of $182,963.11 b. Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo Heights Plumbing Connections Contract A, Payment No. 5 in the amount of $28,253.47 and Contract B, Payment No. 5 in the amount of $134,670.92 c. Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo Heights Watermain Extension Change Order No. 6 in the amount <br /> of $46,504.69. <br /> H. PUBLIC HEARING(S) AND RELATED ACTION: None <br /> I. REGULAR AGENDA: Attendees may comment for up to three minutes on an item on the <br /> regular agenda. <br /> <br />4. Consider removal of recently posted “No Parking” signs on 15th Street from Ivy Avenue N. to the eastern terminus (but not the hammerhead) 5. Consider a stipulation agreement with the Sunfish Lake Homeowners Associations (HOA) related to wastewater 6. Consider an amendment to the conditional use permit regarding side yard setback for Discover Crossing; Resolution No. 2007-037 7. Receive update on the process and progress of the interim zoning ordinances – South of 10th Street and Village Area 8. Receive information on the Washington County Land and Water Legacy Program 9. Consider appointment of Bob Schumacher to the Community Improvement Commission