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<br />2. MINUTES: M/S/P to approve the April 16, 2005 City Council Minutes on the Comprehensive Plan, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> <br />M/S/P to approve the April 20, 2005 City Council Minutes on the Comprehensive Plan, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0). M/S/P to approve the April 23, 2005 City Council Minutes on the Comprehensive <br />Plan, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> M/S/P to approve the April 30, 2005 City Council Minutes on the Comprehensive Plan, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P to approve the May 2, 2005 City Council Minutes on the Comprehensive <br />Plan, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0). M/S/P to approve the May 7, 2005 City Council Minutes on the Comprehensive Plan, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />melanin <br />M/S/P to approve the May 10, 2005 City Council Minutes on the Comprehensive Plan, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0). M/S/P to approve the April 28, 2005 City Council Minutes on Lakewood <br />Evangelical Free Church, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> M/S/P to approve the May 3, 2005 City Council Minutes, as amended. (Motion passed 4-0). 3. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: 4. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Resolution No. 2005-046:Approving Claims <br /> <br />M/S/P to adopt Resolution No. 2005-046, approving claim numbers 258, 259, DD419 through DD430, 27291 through 27319 which were used for staff payroll dated May 12, 2005; claims 27320 through 27372 in the total amount of $83,720.57. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />5. FINANCE: A. Monthly Operating Report The Finance Director provided the Council the Monthly Operating Report. <br />