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cc5-6-08 agenda
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cc5-6-08 agenda
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City of Lake Elmo <br />3800 Laverne Avenue North 7 PM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA May 6, 2008 A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />C. ATTENDANCE:____Johnston,____DeLapp,____Johnson,____Park,____Smith D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: (The approved agenda is the order in which the City Council will do its business.) E. ORDER OF BUSINESS: (This is the way that the city council runs its meetings so everyone attending the meeting or watching the meeting understands how the city council does its public business.) F. GROUND RULES: (These are the rules of behavior that the city council adopted for doing its public business.) G. APPROVE MINUTES: 1. Consider approval of April 15, 2008 minutes H. PUBLIC COMMENTS/INQUIRIES: In order to be sure that anyone wishing to speak to the city council is treated the same way, meeting attendees wishing to address the city council on any items NOT on the regular agenda may speak for up to three minutes. I. CONSENT AGENDA: Items are placed on the consent agenda by city staff and the Mayor because they are not anticipated to generate discussion. Items may be removed at City Council’s request. 2. Approve Resolution no. 2008-022 payments of claims. 3. Consider approving a request from Washington County Parks Division for the City to conduct a deer harvest in Sunfish Lake Park in conjunction with the Lake Elmo Park Reserve deer harvest in November of 2008 4. Authorize the purchase and installation of two drinking fountains from the Park Capital Fund 5. Authorize a capital equipment expenditure associated with the annual trade in of the bobcat for a new model J. REGULAR AGENDA: 6. Authorize entering into a contract with Iteris on behalf of Lake Elmo Elementary School PTA for the Safe Routes to School Plan 7. Receive an update from Washington County on various transportation projects: Trunk Highway 36 and Manning Avenue (CSAH 15) Project Trunk Highway 36 and Lake Elmo Avenue (CSAH 17) Design Review Committee Keats Avenue (CSAH 19) Landscaping Project Inwood Avenue North (CSAH 13) Project Trunk Highway 36 and Manning Avenue (CSAH 15) Project
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