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2007-07-10 agenda
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2007-07-10 agenda
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City of Lake Elmo <br />City Hall <br />3800 Lake Elmo Avenue <br /> <br />July 10, 2007 <br />7 PM CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />AGENDA A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C ATTENDANCE: ___ Mayor Johnson, Council__ DeLapp, __ Johnson, __ Park, __Smith D. APPROVE THE AGENDA E. APPROVE MINUTES of July 19, 2007 (Delayed) F. PUBLIC COMMENTS/INQUIRIES: Meeting attendees wishing to address the city council On an item NOT on the regular agenda may speak for up to three minutes G. CONSENT AGENDA: Items are on the consent agenda because they are routine business and are not for discussion. 1. Approve resolution number 2007-049 for claims 2. Approve change order no. 7 for the Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo Heights water main extensions 3. Approve partial payment no. 8 for the Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo Heights water main extensions 4. Approve Resolution 2007-050 approving the preliminary plat of Whistling Valley III H. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Receive information on the draft Lake Elmo Comprehensive Airport Plan 6. Consider referral of the Ziertman’s, 5761 Keats Avenue, concerns and claims to the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) for independent investigation and resolution 7. Consider annexing the northern half of the frontage road (Hudson Boulevard) along I-94 from the city of Woodbury into the city of Lake Elmo (Concurrent Annexation/Detachment for Hudson Boulevard) 8. Consider authorizing discussions with the St. Croix Valley Area Community Family Center regarding a future location in Lake Elmo 9. Give direction on the appointment process for appointments to commissions 10. Consider the desirability of amending Ordinance 105.01 giving the city council the authority to waive or refund a fee I REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (These are verbal updates and do not have to be added to the agenda.) <br />• Mayor and Councilmembers <br />• Administrator o Volunteer recognition event <br />• Staff J. ADJOURN
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