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cc7-15-08 rev agenda
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cc7-15-08 rev agenda
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City of Lake Elmo <br />3800 Laverne Avenue North July 15, 2008 A. CALL TO ORDER <br />B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: <br /> C. ATTENDANCE:____Johnston,____DeLapp,____Johnson,____Park,____Smith D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: (The approved agenda is the order in which the City <br />Council will do its business.) <br /> E. ORDER OF BUSINESS: (This is the way that the City Council runs its meetings so everyone attending the meeting or watching the meeting understands how the City Council does its public business.) <br /> <br />F. GROUND RULES: (These are the rules of behavior that the City Council adopted for doing its public business.) G. APPROVE MINUTES: <br />1. Consider approval of June 17, 2008 minutes <br /> Consider approval of July 1, 2008 minutes H. PUBLIC COMMENTS/INQUIRIES: In order to be sure that anyone wishing to speak to the City Council is treated the same way, meeting attendees wishing to <br />address the City Council on any items NOT on the regular agenda may speak for <br />up to three minutes. I. CONSENT AGENDA: Items are placed on the consent agenda by city staff and the Mayor because they are not anticipated to generate discussion. Items maybe <br />removed at City Council’s request. <br /> 2. Approve Resolution no. 2008-032 payment of claims 3. Approve Lake Elmo Jaycees liquor license for Huff’n Puff Days 4. Schedule closed meetings on July 22 and August 12 for the city <br />administrator’s performance review <br />5. Accepting the infrastructure improvements of the HOA 2nd Addition improvements (Eagle Point Circle) Development; Resolution no. 2008-033 6. Approve agreement between Washington County Conservation District and members of the 2009-2012 East Metro Water Resources Education Program for surface water quality education services that is part of the city’s <br />authorized/approved NPDS surface water management plan J. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. Hold a public hearing, receive comments and consider approval of the Wellhead Protection plan.
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