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2007-07-17 agenda
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2007-07-17 agenda
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City of Lake Elmo <br />City Hall <br />3800 Lake Elmo Avenue <br /> <br />July 17, 2007 <br />7 PM CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />AGENDA A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C ATTENDANCE: ___ Mayor Johnson, Council__ DeLapp, __ Johnson, __ Park, __Smith D. APPROVE THE AGENDA E. APPROVE MINUTES from June 19, 2007 and July 10, 2007 F. PUBLIC COMMENTS/INQUIRIES: Meeting attendees wishing to address the city council On an item NOT on the regular agenda may speak for up to three minutes G. CONSENT AGENDA: Items are on the consent agenda because they are routine business and are not for discussion. 1. Approve resolution number 2007-050 for claims 2. Approve resolution number 2007-051 approving the preliminary plat of Whistling Valley III 3. Approve resolution number 2007-052 approving the jurisdictional transfer of the southern half of Hudson Road from Woodbury to Lake Elmo. H. REGULAR AGENDA 4. Proclaim Huff’N Puff Days and consider approval of on-sale non-intoxicating liquor license 5. Consider appointment of probationary firefighters, Mike Yost and Noah Malmquist to firefighter status and Tony Beaubien as probationary firefighter. 6. Verbal update on the I-94 to 30th Street Infrastructure Project 7. Consider change order no. 2C for elevated water tank no. 2 <br />8. Consider request for swimming pool covers 9. Consider approving ordinances related to zoning code text amendments for: a. Ordinance no. 97-195 Limited Business sewered residential holding district b. Ordinance no. 97-196 prohibiting open space preservation development in adopted holding districts <br /> 10. Consider the budget process timeline I. REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (These are verbal updates and do not have to be added to the agenda.) <br />• Mayor and Council members <br />• Administrator <br />• Staff Monthly Operating Report – Tom Bouthilet J. ADJOURN
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