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CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES <br />JANUARY 12, 2021 <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />Called the meeting to order at 6:39 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Charles Cadenhead. Present via video: Councilmembers Katrina Beckstrom, <br />Dale Dorschner, Jeff Holtz and Lisa McGinn. <br />Staff present: Assistant Administrator Dickson and City Clerk Johnson. Participating via video: <br />City Administrator Handt, Planning Director Roberts. Public Works Director Powers. <br />Parks Commission Interviews <br />Interviews were held with Juan Luis Rivera Reyes, Hank Hoelscher, Andrew Hodges, Eva Lee <br />and Peter Kastler. Councilmembers agreed to send their rankings of the applicants to the City <br />Administrator by the end of the week. <br />Committee Structure <br />Administrator Handt provided an overview of the current committees. Councilmember <br />expressed agreement with the proposal to change the committee structure as presented. <br />Utility Billing Clerk Position <br />Assistant Administrator Dickson presented the proposal to change the Utility Billing Clerk <br />position from part time to full time and reviewed the benefits to the City of a full time position. <br />Discussion was held and the Council was supportive of the change. <br />Items for Future Agenda <br />Administrator Handt recommended the following items for future workshop agendas: 180 acres <br />of city owned property and RFP for an operational audit of the Building Department. <br />Administrator Handt also asked for input on the goal setting session and consensus was to hold <br />it face to face at a location in the City that can accommodate the group. <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:57 <br />ATTEST: <br />(AWDrZ"-1'- <br />Jul ty'nsonOklerk <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br />Y <br />Charles Cadenhead, Mayor <br />