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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES <br />FEBRUARY 9, 2021 <br />CALL TO ORDER <br /> <br />Called the meeting to order at 6:39 pm. PRESENT: (via video conference): Councilmembers Katrina Beckstrom, Dale Dorschner, Jeff <br />Holtz and Lisa McGinn. Staff present via video conference: City Administrator Handt, Assistant Administrator Dickson, Planning Director Roberts and City Clerk Johnson. <br /> <br />Royal Golf Developer Agreement Amendment <br />City Administrator Handt reviewed the history of the development as it relates to the request for reconsideration of the cash donation for the removal of the Tartan Park ballfields and the tree planting requirement. <br />Discussion was held regarding the tree ordinance, trees removed for construction of the <br />stormwater pond, cost per tree and alternatives available to the developer. <br />Discussion was held regarding the agreement related to the ballfields. Administrator Handt suggested requiring payment before building permits are issued to allow the developer some flexibility with the line of credit obligation. <br />Draft Request for Proposals for Purchase of City Land <br />Administrator Handt reviewed the proposal to issue an RFP for approximately 75 acres of the 180 acres acquired from 3M. Handt reported that the proposed minimum bid price would be $4.5M and that water and sewer talks with the City of Oakdale are progressing well. <br />Draft Request for Proposals for Operational Audit of Building and Planning Departments <br />Assistant Administrator Dickson presented the proposal to issue an RFP for a firm to conduct an <br />operational audit of the City’s Building and Planning Departments. <br />Items for Future Agenda <br />The March workshop has been cancelled. The next workshop will be the strategic planning session held April 13th at the Holiday Inn in Lake Elmo. <br />Meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL ATTEST: ______________________________ <br /> Charles Cadenhead, Mayor _______________________________ Julie Johnson, City Clerk