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MEMO <br />(March 17, 2006 for the Meeting of March 20, 2006) <br />To: Lake Elmo Par Commission <br />From: Chu k <br />4� <br />Subject: Carriage Station Park Improvements <br />The approved 2006-2010 Capital Improvements Program includes additional <br />development in Carriage Station Park at an expenditure of $65,000. 1 have attached a <br />sketch of the site prepared by TKDA that depicts proposed improvements. It is my <br />understanding that Mike and Administrator Rafferty have communicated with Carriage <br />Station residents regarding the content and location of those improvements. <br />As of this writing I have no specific information to the estimated cost of these <br />improvements — related to the $65,000 maximum expenditure in the approved CIP. I <br />hope to have those estimates available at the March 20 Commission meeting. Mike (if it <br />doesn't snow again) will also be available to explain why certain improvements are made <br />at the noted locations. <br />