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• 1. <br />City of Lake Elmo <br />PARKS COMMISSION MEETING <br />Minutes of May 15, 2006 <br />Chairman Schumacher called to order the meeting of the Lake Elmo Parks Commission at 7:02 <br />p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Larson, Steele, Blackford, Watters, and Heroff (7:08 <br />p.m.). STAFF PRESENT: Administrator Rafferty, Planner Dillerud, Maintenance Worker <br />Gustafson, and Recording Secretary Anez. ALSO PRESENT: Councilmember Smith, Former <br />Councilmember Susan Dunn, and Carriage Station Resident Jennifer McCormick. <br />1. Agenda <br />Add 4.5 Housekeeping Questions for staff. <br />2. Minutes of April 17, 2006 <br />M/S/P, Steele/Blackford to accept the Minutes of April 17, 2006 as presented. Vote: 4:0:1, <br />Abstain: Watters-Absent. <br />3. Reserving Neighborhood Parks <br />The City Planner explained that the City Council requested the Parks Commission review policy <br />for reserving parks for organized activities. He said Tana Ridge was reserved even though no <br />policy exists for those reservations, and the neighborhood raised objections. Organized activities <br />bring external activity to the neighborhood, and some neighborhood parks have tremendous <br />demand for ball and soccer fields. The Planner said that parking is a major issue and the <br />functional classification of parks helps to direct use. Superintendent Bouthilet provided a staff <br />memo with his recommendations for those parks that should be reserved, could be reserved, and <br />should never be reserved for organized activities. <br />M/S/P, Heroff/Schumacher to recommend that all parks listed in Tier I (DeMontreville, Lions, <br />Pebble, Reid, Tablyn, and VFW) and Tier II (Kleis, Ridge, and Stonegate) of the <br />superintendent's memo dated May 10, 2006, be reservable for organized activities. Vote: 6:0. <br />4. Carriage Station Play Set <br />Maintenance Worker Gustafson presented plans for play equipment for Carriage Station Park. <br />Administrator Rafferty said the Parks Commission budgeted $45,000 for improvements in <br />Carriage Station and the City Council increased that budget allocation to $65,000. He explained <br />the bid process with three vendors supplying a designed $35,000 structure. Miracle Company <br />was the preferred design recommended. Two additional pieces of equipment were suggested to <br />be added bringing the new total to $45,000. <br />Resident Jennifer McCormick researched neighborhood residents' desires last fall with play set <br />amenities at the top of the list. Carriage Station resident were asked and they participated in the <br />design process with three vendors whose designs were displayed for the Parks Commission. <br />Mrs. McCormick recommended Option 3A by Miracle because of the natural colors and the <br />number of slides and climbing components. <br />M/S/P, Steele/Heroff to recommend the purchase of the play set design labeled Option 3A <br />presented by Miracle at a cost of $45,000.00 because the colors and components are the most <br />appealing of all the designs presented. Vote: 6:0. <br />Lake Elmo Parks Commission Meeting Minutes of May 15, 2006 <br />