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DRAFT <br />City of Lake Elmo <br />Parks Commission Meeting <br />Minutes of September 18, 2006 <br />Chairman Schumacher called to order the meeting of the Lake Elmo Parks Commission at 7:03 <br />p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Wagner, Larson, Steele, Ames, Watters, T. Bouthilet, and <br />Bruchu (7:04). STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Planner Matzek, Superintendent Bouthilet, and <br />Recording Secretary Anez. CONSULTANTS PRESENT: Rich Gray and Berry Farrington from <br />TKDA. ALSO PRESENT: Susan Dunn. <br />Agenda <br />M/S/P, Ames/Steele to put TKDA first after the minutes and accept the Agenda as amended. <br />Vote: 8:0. <br />Minutes <br />M/S/P, Wagners/Watters to accept the Minutes of August 21, 2006 as presented. Vote: 6:0:2 <br />Abstain: Steele, Bruchu - Absent. <br />TKDA Park Plan Update - Rich Gray and Berry Farrington <br />Mr. Gray said that TKDA employees Dick Thompson and Angela Flores will offer guidance and <br />expertise through the process. <br />Ms. Farrington said the Park Plan is a policy guide used for>making decisions. It will take <br />pressure off the commission in making future decisions. She provided the commission with a <br />general schedule for future meetings. Goals and Issue Identification were identified as the <br />night's subject in order to gather information. <br />Seating was rearranged to a roundtable discussion. <br />CIP 2007-2011 <br />Ms. Matzek recognized an error in the iCIP and clarified that the merry-go-round should be <br />moved to Lions Park. <br />Commissioner Schumacher said that the issue regarding the future use of Heights Park needs to <br />be resolved before improvements are made. <br />The Master Plan for Sanctuary, the Sunfish Master Preservation Plan, the play structure for <br />Heights Park, and the estimated remaining balance for the Park Comp Plan Update were moved <br />from 2006 to 2007. <br />In 2011, $5,000 was added for basketball court resurfacing in DeMontreville Park. Also added <br />in 2011 were $1,000 for future amenities in Sanctuary Neighborhood Park and $10,000 for <br />squaring off the parking lot in Stonegate Park. <br />Commissioner T. Bouthilet suggested putting more money into Reid Park to better utilize the <br />existing parking lot, trails, and ballfield. He suggested purchasing additional playground <br />equipment. <br />Lake Elmo Parks Commission Meeting Minutes of September 18, 2006 <br />