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Lake Elmo Park Commission <br />Minutes of the Regular Meeting <br />October 16, 2006 <br />Chairman Schumacher called to order the meeting of the Lake Elmo Parks Commission at 7:01 <br />PM. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Schumacher, Steele, Watters, Larson, and Wagner. <br />STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Superintendent Mike Bouthilet and Assistant City Planner <br />Matzek. CONSULTANTS PRESENT: Rich Gray and Berry Farrington from TKDA. <br />Agenda <br />Chairman Schumacher added 3.5 to the agenda "Recognition of Martin Rafferty" and 3.6 <br />"Schumacher's Resignation as Parks Chair." <br />M/S/P Steele/Wafters to approve the Agenda as amended. Vote: 5:0. <br />Minutes <br />M/S/P Wagner/Watters to approve the Minutes of September 1 <br />TKDA Park Plan Update — Rich Gray and Berry <br />Mr. Gray and Ms. Farrington led discussion to select <br />Park Plan. Those cities suggested were: Stillwater, l <br />Apple Valley, Oakdale, Maplewood, and Chaska. Tl <br />Apple Valley, and Chaska. <br />as presented. Vote: 5:0. <br />communities for the Lake Elmo <br />Heights, Woodbury, Eagan, <br />sen to be used were Woodbury, <br />Included in the packet were a set of goals drafted by TKDA that were based on the September <br />meeting discussion. Commissioner Steele suggested thegoals were too specific and instead <br />functioned as statements. The Commission discussed and drafted park system principles and a <br />purpose for the Comprehensive Parks Plan. <br />The Park Commission took a break from 8:00 to 805. The Chairman reconvened the meeting at <br />8:05 p.m. <br />Mr. Gray explained the handout in the packet regarding national park standards and a proposed <br />classification system. <br />Commissioner Steele would like to include the size and use within the park classification system <br />Chairman Schumacher suggested classifying parks based first on use and secondly on the size. <br />The TKDA consultants distributed the preference menu results. <br />Recognition of Martin Rafferty <br />Chairman Schumacher stated City Administrator Martin Rafferty was a supporter of the parks. <br />He expressed his sadness at his passing. <br />M/S/P, Watters/Wagner to recommend to the City Council the naming of Carriage Station Park <br />after Mr. Rafferty after first being cleared by his family. Vote: 5:0. <br />Schumacher's Resignation as Parks Chair <br />Chairman Schumacher distributed copies of his email to City staff regarding his resignation as <br />Lake Elmo Parks Commission Meeting Minutes of October 16, 2006 <br />