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CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES <br />AUGUST 23, 2022 <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />Called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Cadenhead, Councilmembers Dale Dorschner, Jeff Holtz and Lisa McGinn. <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Katrina Beckstrom <br />Staff present: City Administrator Handt, Planning Director Just, Fire Chief Kalis, Public Works <br />Director Powers and Building Official Taylor. <br />2023 Budgets <br />Handt presented the proposed 2023 General Fund, EDA and Utility Budgets. A 5.725% increase <br />in the levy would result in a decrease of city taxes on the median valued home at $553,500 of <br />about$25. There was a discussion of revenues and consideration of reducing the new homes <br />from 250 to 200. Discussion then moved to the general fund expenses. A review of fuel costs <br />amongst departments was discussed and further follow up on why not all use bulk fuel at public <br />works. Powers provided more information about the additional work that had been done in parks <br />due to less time spent pot hole patching. Staff proposed the creation of a Local Street <br />Improvement Fund to even out the tax impact of maintaining roads over the years. The EDA <br />requested funding for a consultant in 2023. Council direction was to remove this for 2023 but <br />consider it again in 2024. Handt presented the utility fund budgets for 2023. Revenues were <br />based upon 2020 Utilities Profonna which is proposed to be updated in 2023. There was <br />discussion about staffing and noted that the sheriff's contract increase does not provide another <br />deputy. Council may consider grants to neighborhoods in the future to help with crime <br />prevention efforts. Discussion of need to increase full time firefighters due to unpredictability of <br />POC model. Discussion of vehicle life expectancy. <br />Point of personal privilege was taken at 8:08prn. <br />Council resumed at 8:12pm <br />2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan <br />Handt presented a high level overview of the draft 2023-2027 Capital Improvement <br />Plan. Discussion about the timing of the new ballfields and Handt noted the CIP is a high level <br />planning document. All items would come back to council for approval before moving forward <br />and could be adjusted then. Discussion about the frontage road on TH36 and whether or not the <br />city had someone watching for federal funding to help. They do not. Further discussion on <br />vehicles for 2023. Is a boat of our own needed or can we rely on other cities and the county? <br />