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10/16/23, 9:55 AM Print Preview <br /> 2/48 <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />1.04.030 Conflicting Provisions <br />Where any provision of this Code imposes greater restrictions upon the subject matter than the general <br />provision imposed by this Code, the provision imposing the greater restriction or regulation shall be <br />deemed to be controlling. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />1.04.040 Delegation Of Authority <br />Whenever a provision appears requiring the head of a department or some other city officer to do some <br />act or make certain inspections, it is to be construed to authorize the head of the department or other <br />officer to designate, delegate and authorize subordinates to perform the required act or make the <br />required inspection unless the terms of the provision or section designate otherwise. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />1.04.050 Gender, Number And Technical Expressions; Illustrations, Tables And Other Graphic <br />Representations; Joint Authority; Minimum Requirements <br />(a)Gender, number and technical expressions. Words importing the masculine gender may be <br />applied to females. Words importing the singular number may extend and be applied to several <br />persons or things, and words importing the plural may include the singular. Words and phrases <br />shall be construed according to the common and approved usage of the language, but technical <br />words and phrases and such others as may have acquired a peculiar and appropriate meaning <br />in law shall be construed and understood according to such meaning. <br />(b)Illustrations, tables and other graphic representations. In case of any difference of meaning or <br />implication between the text of any section of this Code and any caption, illustration, or table, <br />the text shall control. No caption, illustration, table or other graphic representation shall be <br />construed to limit the scope or intent of the text of any section of this Code. <br />(c)Joint authority. All words giving a joint authority to three or more persons or officers shall be <br />construed as giving such authority to a majority of such persons or officers. <br />(d)Minimum requirements. In the interpretation and application of any provision of this Code, it <br />shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, <br />safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />1.04.060 Catchlines And Other Headings <br />The catchlines of the several subsections and sections, and the headings of titles, chapters, articles <br />and divisions of this Code are intended as mere catchwords to indicate the contents of the subsection, <br />section, chapter, article or division, and shall not be deemed or taken to be a substantive part of such <br />subsections, sections, chapters, articles or divisions, nor, unless expressly so provided, shall they be so <br />deemed when any of such subsections, sections, chapters, articles or divisions, including the catchlines <br />or other headings, are amended or reenacted. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021