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10/16/23, 9:55 AM Print Preview <br /> 7/48 <br />building. <br />Accessory structure means a use or structure on the same lot with, and of a nature customarily <br />incidental and subordinate to, the principal use or structure. <br />Accessory use means a use incidental or subordinate to the principal use of the same land. <br />Adjacent lands means lands within 300 feet of the normal high water mark or any identified wetland. <br />Administration (wastewater service charge) means those costs attributable to monitoring a reporting <br />card maintenance record system of the wastewater treatment works. <br />Administrator means the administrator of the city and the duties imposed upon the administrator in LEC <br />32.25 et seq., with respect to registration through the administrator's duly designated agents subject to <br />the administrator's supervision, direction, and control. <br />Administrator, city clerk, means the city clerk/administrator. <br />Administrator, zoning, means the city zoning administrator. <br />Agricultural building means a structure on agricultural land, as defined below in the definition for the <br />term "farm, rural," of this section, designed, constructed, and used to house farm implements, livestock, <br />or agricultural produce or products grown by the owner, lessee, or sublessee of the building and <br />members of their immediate families, their employees, and persons engaged in the pickup or delivery of <br />agricultural produce or products. <br />Agricultural entertainment business means an agricultural sales business that combines the elements <br />and characteristics of agriculture and tourism, which is not necessarily located in an existing building. <br />Examples of agricultural entertainment include: corn mazes, hay rides, sleigh rides, petting farms, on- <br />farm tours, agricultural related museums, demonstrations of farming practices, techniques and <br />methods, fee-based fishing and hunting, horseback riding, nature trails, haunted barns and similar <br />activities which are related to agriculture. <br />Agricultural museums means the keeping, restoration, maintenance and display of the structures, tools <br />and equipment utilized in the production of agricultural products. Restoration and maintenance activity <br />shall be limited to those structures, tools, and equipment permanently kept on display on the premises. <br />Retail or wholesale sales of any product are specifically excluded. <br />Agricultural sales business means the retail sale of fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs, trees, or <br />other agricultural, floricultural, or horticultural products. The operation may be indoors or outdoors, <br />include pick-your-own or cut-your-own opportunities, and may involve the ancillary sale of items <br />considered accessory to the agricultural products being sold or accessory sales of unprocessed <br />foodstuffs; home processed food products such as jams, jellies, pickles, sauces; or baked goods and <br />homemade handicrafts. The floor area devoted to the sale of accessory items shall not exceed 25 <br />percent of the total floor area. No commercially packaged handicrafts or commercially processed or <br />packaged foodstuffs shall be sold as accessory items. No activities other than the sale of goods as <br />outlined above shall be allowed as part of the agricultural sales business. <br />Agriculture means the production of livestock, dairy animals, dairy products, fur-bearing animals, <br />horticultural and floricultural nursery stock, fruits of all kinds, vegetables, forage, grains, bees, and <br />apiary products. <br />Alarm site means a single premises or location, or a multi-tenant location, served by an alarm system <br />or systems.