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Title 005 Oct 2023
City Council
City Code
Title 005 Oct 2023
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2/18/2025 8:28:07 PM
Creation date
10/16/2023 9:57:55 AM
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10/16/23, 9:57 AM Print Preview <br /> 2/48 <br />(b)Application by owner; payment. All applications for service installations shall be made by the <br />owner of the property to be served, or owner's duly authorized agent, and shall state the size <br />and location of the service connection required. The applicant shall, at the time of making <br />application, pay to the city the amount of fees or deposit required for the installation of the <br />service connection as provided in this chapter. <br />(c)Application information needed. The application shall also contain the name of the owner, an <br />account number, and a description of the property, lot, block, and addition, name of the street <br />upon which the property fronts and the official street number assigned to the premises as shown <br />by the records of the city and the signature of the applicant, or applicant's agent, agreeing to <br />conform to the rules and regulations that may be established by the city as conditions for the <br />use of water. <br />(d)Application for water service. When service connections have been installed, application for <br />water service may be made at the city office either by the owner, a duly authorized agent, or by <br />the tenant or occupant of the premises. <br />(e)Water meter; notification. A meter spacer interface unit will be furnished to the contractor or <br />plumber, at the time a connection permit is issued. The plumber shall notify the building official <br />within 24 hours after piping is complete, giving street address and permit number. The city shall <br />then program the meter interface unit. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />5.04.050 Plumbing Permits <br />(a)A permit must be obtained to connect to the water system. The fee for each permit shall be as <br />provided in the city fee schedule. No permit shall be issued except to a licensed plumber. All <br />costs to connect to an existing water main shall be paid for by the property owner. <br />(b)If for any reason the contractor laying the service pipe should fail to have the connection made <br />at the time specified in the contractor's application, notice must be given to the city building <br />official affixing another day on which the contractor wishes to make the connection. The notice <br />must be given at least two business days prior to the excavation for laying of the service pipe, <br />and the connection must be made before 3:00 p.m., except in special cases, and then the work <br />must be done only upon a written order from the city building official. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />5.04.060 Trunk Water Main Facilities And Lateral Water Main Connection Charges <br />(a)A full lateral benefit assessment shall be levied for any building unit which is directly served by a <br />trunk utility main and therefore requires no lateral main, if the building unit resides in a municipal <br />urban service area designated by the city comprehensive plan. The building unit must connect <br />to the municipal utility service within two years of the installation of the trunk utility main. <br />(b)A lateral benefit assessment shall be levied for any building unit which is directly served by a <br />trunk utility main and therefore requires no lateral main, if the building resides outside a <br />municipal urban service area as designated by the city comprehensive plan. A stub shall be <br />placed in front of the building unit and the building unit shall be levied at an equivalent of 0.5 <br />lateral benefit assessment. If the building unit requests connection to water service subsequent <br />to the completion of the utility main, the building unit shall be levied the remaining 0.5 lateral <br />benefit assessment and charged all related connection and availability charges consistent with
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