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10/16/23, 9:59 AM Print Preview <br /> 2/51 <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />11.04.030 Bond <br />Where a bond is required for a license or permit, the bond will be a corporate surety bond executed on <br />a form approved by the city attorney and will be filed with the administrator before the license or permit <br />is issued. The bond will be in the amount and with the penalty provisions as required by this Code. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />11.04.040 Procedure For Issuance <br />If, after investigation, the administrator is satisfied that all requirements of law and this Code have been <br />met, the administrator will present the application and a report of the investigation and findings to the <br />council for action. If the license or permit does not require council approval, the administrator may issue <br />the license or permit. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />11.04.050 License Period <br />All licenses will terminate on December 31 of the year issued, unless otherwise indicated. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />11.04.060 Renewal <br />Applications for renewal of a license will be made to the administrator on forms provided. The renewal <br />application will contain the information required for the original application plus any additional <br />information required by the administrator. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />11.04.070 Duplicates <br />A duplicate license certificate or tag may be issued by the administrator to replace any license <br />certificate or tag previously issued which has been lost, stolen, defaced, or destroyed, without any <br />willful conduct on the part of the licensee, if the licensee files an affidavit with the administrator attesting <br />to the fact and pays to the administrator a fee as set forth in LEC 1.12.030. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />11.04.080 Revocation <br />Any license may be revoked by the council for a violation of the section or chapter under which it is <br />issued. However, the revocation must follow any procedure provided in the section or chapter in <br />question. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />11.04.090 Appeal