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10/16/23, 10:03 AM Print Preview <br /> 2/33 <br />(7)Promote a safe and effective transportation system including roadways, pedestrian <br />pathways, and transit opportunities; <br />(8)Prevent inappropriate subdivisions including premature subdivision; excess subdivision <br />resulting in overcrowding of land and undue concentration of structures; partial or <br />incomplete subdivision; or scattered or piecemeal subdivisions; and <br />(9)Establish standard requirements, conditions, and procedures for the design and review <br />of subdivisions. <br />(c)Scope. The provisions of this title apply to any division of a tract of land into two or more parcels <br />for the purpose of transfer of ownership, building development, or tax assessment purposes by <br />platting, re-platting, registered land survey, conveyance, sale, contract for sale or any other <br />means by which a beneficial interest in land is transferred, except those divisions: <br />(1)Where all the resulting parcels, tracts, lots, or interests will be 20 acres or larger in size <br />and 500 feet in width for residential uses and five acres or larger in size for commercial <br />and industrial uses; <br />(2)Creating cemetery lots; or <br />(3)Resulting from court orders. <br />(d)Approval necessary for acceptance of subdivision plats. Before any plat or subdivision shall be <br />recorded or be of any validity, it shall be referred to the planning commission and approved by <br />the city council as having fulfilled the requirements of this title. <br />(e)Building permits. No building permits shall be issued for the construction of any building, <br />structure, or improvement to any land or lot in a subdivision, as defined in this title, until all <br />requirements of this title have been satisfied, with the following exceptions: <br />(1)Building permits may be issued for model homes after approval of the final plat by the <br />city council upon receipt of a signed development agreement. The issuance of building <br />permits for model homes shall be in accordance with the signed development <br />agreement. <br />(2)The developer shall agree in writing to indemnify and hold harmless the city for damages <br />that may occur as a result of the model home construction prior to the required <br />improvements being completed. <br />(3)No certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the city until all applicable requirements <br />set forth by the development agreement have been met. <br />(4)Traffic and parking arrangements relating to model homes shall be subject to the city's <br />review and approval. <br />(f)Conflicts. Whenever there is a difference between minimum standards or dimensions required <br />by this title or other ordinances of the city, the most restrictive standards of dimensions shall <br />apply. <br />(g)Floodplain management. <br />(1)No land shall be subdivided which is held unsuitable by the city council for reason of <br />flooding, inadequate stormwater drainage, steep slopes, inadequate water supply, or <br />inadequate wastewater treatment facilities. All lots within the floodplain shall contain a <br />building site with a lowest floor elevation that is at least two feet above the regulatory <br />flood protection elevation. All subdivisions shall have water and sewage (wastewater) <br />disposal facilities that comply with the provisions of this title and shall have road access <br />both to the subdivision and to the individual building sites no lower than two feet below