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10/16/23, 10:04 AM Print Preview <br /> 2/324 <br />105.04.040 Required Screening <br />105.04.040 Required Screening <br />(a)Screening. Screening shall be required in residential districts for any off-street parking area <br />which contains more than four parking spaces and is within 30 feet of an adjoining residential <br />lot. <br />(b)Business, industrial screening. Where any business or industrial use (structure, parking, or <br />storage) is adjacent to property zoned or developed for residential use, that business or industry <br />shall be screened along the boundary of the residential property. Screening shall also be <br />provided where a business, parking lot, or industry is across the street from a residential zone, <br />but not on the side of a business or industry considered to be the front. <br />(c)Exterior storage. All exterior storage shall be screened as required by LEC 105.04-I. <br />(d)Mechanical apparatus on roofs. All mechanical apparatus on roofs shall be screened. <br />(e)Loading docks. Loading docks shall be screened from all streets and adjacent property unless <br />they are at the rear of the building which abuts another commercial use. The property owner <br />may provide a 30-foot landscaped area between the dock and the property line where screening <br />is not possible. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />Amended by Ord. 2022-07 on 6/8/2022 <br />105.04-III LIGHTING, GLARE CONTROL, AND EXTERIOR LIGHTING STANDARDS <br />105.04.050 Purpose <br />105.04.060 Exterior Lighting Plan <br />105.04.070 Prohibited Lighting <br />105.04.050 Purpose <br />The purpose of LEC 105.04.050 et seq., is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of <br />the community while protecting motor vehicle operators, pedestrians, and adjacent land uses from glare <br />to ensure a dark sky area for proliferation of wildlife, fireflies, etc. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />105.04.060 Exterior Lighting Plan <br />(a)(1)Except for single- and two-family dwellings, an exterior lighting plan shall be submitted to <br />the city in order to determine whether the purpose and requirements of LEC 105.04.050 <br />et seq. have been met prior to installation or modification of exterior lighting. <br />(2)This plan will be prepared by a certified architect, landscape architect, or lighting <br />designer. <br />(b)(1)The applicant must provide a plan that identifies the location, size, and type of luminaire, <br />and show how the applicant intends to comply with LEC 105.04.050 et seq. <br />(2)A photometric plan of the site and fixture data sheet must be submitted with a site plan <br />for office, commercial, or any type of industrial project in order to determine the effect of <br />the luminaire on surrounding properties.