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#05 - Data Practices Official
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#05 - Data Practices Official
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Page 10 of 22 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />City of Lake Elmo Data Practices Policy 01/03/2024 <br />• If we have the data, but the data are confidential or private data that are not about you, we will notify you in writing within 10 business days and state which specific law says you cannot access the data. <br />• If we have the data, and the data are public or private data about you, we will respond to your request within 10 business days, by doing one of the following: <br />1. Arrange a date, time, and place to inspect data, for free, if your request is to look at the data, or <br />2. Provide you with copies of the data within 10 business days. You may choose to pick up your copies, or we will mail or fax them to you. We will provide electronic copies (such as email or CD-ROM) upon request if we keep the data in electronic format. Information about copy charges is on page nine. After we have provided you with access to data about you, we do not have to show you the data again for six months unless there is a dispute or we collect or create new data about you. If you do not understand some of the data (technical terminology, abbreviations, or acronyms), please let us know. We will provide additional explanation. The Data Practices Act does not require us to create or collect new data in response to a data request if we do not already have the data, or to provide data in a specific form or arrangement if we do not keep the data in that form or arrangement. (For example, if the data you request are on paper only, we are not required to create electronic documents to respond to your request.) If we agree to create data in response to your request, we will work with you on the details of your request, including cost and response time. In addition, we are not required under the Data Practices Act to respond to questions that are not requests for data.
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