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Page 17 of 22 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />City of Lake Elmo Data Practices Policy 01/03/2024 <br /> <br />NON-PUBLIC DATA MAINTAINED BY CITY (EXHIBIT A) 1. Personnel Data (Private) Minn. Stat. §13.43 All data on all individuals who are or were an employee, an applicant for employment, volunteer, independent contractor, or member or applicant for advisory board or commission is private, except the following which is public: <br />• Name <br />• Employee identification number (not the employee's Social Security number) <br />• Actual gross salary <br />• Contract fees <br />• Actual gross pension <br />• Value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits <br />• Basis for and amount of added remuneration, including expense reimbursement <br />• Job description, job title and bargaining unit <br />• Education and training background <br />• Relevant test scores and rank on eligible list <br />• Previous work experience <br />• Date of first and last employment <br />• Veteran status <br />• The existence and status (but not nature) of any complaints or charges against the employee, regardless of whether the complaint or charge resulted in discipline <br />• Final disposition of any disciplinary action, together with specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action, excluding data that would identify confidential sources who are employees of the city <br />• Terms of any agreement settling any dispute arising from the employment relationship, including a “buyout” agreement <br />• Work availability <br />• Work location <br />• Work telephone number <br />• Honors and awards received