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Page 5 of 22 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />City of Lake Elmo Data Practices Policy 01/03/2024 <br />correspondence, it should be saved as a hard copy or as a text file and moved to the server. Delete all inbox, sent, and deleted messages that are no longer needed. <br />Members of the Public <br /> <br />Right to Access Public Data The Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13) presumes that all government data are public unless a state or federal law says the data are not public. Government data is a term that means all recorded information a government entity has, including paper, email, CD-ROMs, photographs, etc. The Data Practices Act also provides that the City of Lake Elmo must keep all government data in a way that makes it easy for you, as a member of the public, to access public data. You have the right to look at (inspect), free of charge, all public data that we keep. You also have the right to get copies of public data. The Data Practices Act allows us to charge for copies. You have the right to look at data, free of charge, before deciding to request copies. <br />How to Make a Data Request To look at data or request copies of data that the City of Lake Elmo keeps, make a written request. Make your written request for data to the appropriate individual listed in the Data Practices Contacts document on page eight. You may make your written request for data by mail, using the data request form on page ten. If you choose not to use the data request form, your written request should include: <br />1. that you, as a member of the public, are making a request for data under the Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13; <br />2. whether you would like to look at the data, get copies of the data, or both; and <br />3. a clear description of the data you would like to inspect or have copied. The City of Lake Elmo cannot require you, as a member of the public, to identify yourself or explain the reason for your data request. However, depending on how you want us to process your request (if, for example, you want us to mail you copies of data), we may need some information about you. If you choose not to give us any identifying information, we will provide you with contact information so you may check on the status of your request. In