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INWOOD 5TH ADDITION October 31, 2018DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMOUNTSCATEGORY CONSTRUCTION 125% REMARKS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6Grading NA NAIncluded in Overall Grading AgreementSanitary Sewer $356,976 $446,220100%$223,110 $111,555 $111,555Watermain $488,479 $610,599100%$305,299 $152,650 $152,650Storm Sewer $189,979 $237,47475%$118,737 $59,369 $59,369Streets and Sidewalks $673,595 $841,99475%$420,997 $210,498 $210,498Trails $10,000 $12,50075%$9,375 $3,125Surface Water Facilities $96,890 $121,11375%$90,834 $30,278Street Lighting $66,000 $82,50075%$61,875 $20,625Street Signs and Traffic Control Signs $8,850 $11,06375%$8,297 $2,766Private Utilities (electricity, natural gas, telephone, and cable)Landscaping $180,000 $225,0000%$168,750Tree Preservation and Restoration NA NAWetland Mitigation and Buffers $2,250 $2,81375%$2,109 $703Monuments $10,100 $12,62575%$9,469 $3,156Erosion Control NA NAincluded in Grading AgreementTurn Lanes $283,182 $353,97875%$265,483 $88,494Record Drawings $5,000 $6,25075%$4,688 $1,563TOTALS $2,371,301 $2,964,127RELEASED AMOUNTS:$1,068,143 $264,205 $264,205 $890,747 $420,577 $0CUMMULATIVE AMOUNTS:$1,068,143 $1,332,348 $1,596,553 $2,487,300 $2,907,877SECURITY AMOUNT REMAINING:$1,895,983 $1,631,779 $1,367,574 $476,827 $56,250DATE:3/6/2018 1/15/2019 9/21/2021 6/21/2022 1/2/2024Time of Performance: REDUCTIONS