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UNION PARK 2ND ADDITION Time of Performance: October 31, 2021DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMOUNTSCATEGORY CONSTRUCTION 125% REMARKS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6Grading $124,485 $155,606100%$155,606Sanitary Sewer $262,560 $328,20075%$246,150Watermain $210,660 $263,32575%$197,494Storm Sewer (w/pond structures) $239,469 $299,33675%$149,668 $74,834Streets + Sidewalks $296,170 $370,21275%$185,106 $92,553Bituminous Trails $29,616 $37,01975%$27,765Surface Water Facilities NA NAStreet Lighting $18,000 $22,50075%$16,875Street Signs and Traffic Control Signs $1,735 $2,16975%$1,627Private Utilities (electricity, natural gas, telephone, and cable)Landscaping $156,595 $195,743Tree Preservation and Restoration NA NAWetland Mitigation and Buffers NA NAMonuments $5,600 $7,00075%$5,250Erosion Control $10,000 $12,50075%$9,375Miscellaneous Facilities NA NARecord Drawings $5,000 $6,25075%$4,688TOTALS $1,359,889 $1,699,861RELEASED AMOUNTS:$934,024 $232,966 $0 $0 $0 $0CUMMULATIVE AMOUNTS:$934,024 $1,166,990SECURITY AMOUNT REMAINING:$765,837 $532,871DATE:3/21/2023 1/4/2024REDUCTIONS