Laserfiche WebLink
COMPUTER & INTERNET USE <br /> <br />a. The primary purpose of City Internet access is City business. <br /> b. Limited, occasional use of the Internet for personal purposes will be permitted <br />only under the following conditions: <br /> 1. Personal use is only allowed during non-work hours. <br /> <br />2. Personal use does not interfere with another employee’s business use <br />of the Internet. (e.g., Too many employees are browsing during their <br />lunch break that the response time slows down and employees working <br />on City business are adversely affected.); <br /> <br />3. Employee is currently performing at a ranking of satisfactory or higher; and <br /> <br />4. Use complies with all parts of this policy and the Metro-INET Acceptable Use <br />policy. <br /> c. Only City employees, council members, contractors, and verified visitors are <br />allowed to use the City’s Internet access. Any exceptions to this rule must have the prior approval of the City Administrator. <br /> <br />d. Employees with a browser are responsible for compliance with this policy. It is <br />required that employees with browsers have access to their workstation protected <br />by password. <br /> <br />Users should be aware that as the number of browsers and amount of time <br />spent on the Internet by users increases, the response time of Internet functions <br />will decrease. <br /> e. Users are required to respect the legal protection provided to programs and data <br />by copyright, license and privacy laws. <br /> f. Users must conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with City goals and <br />policies. <br /> <br />2. PROHIBITED USE OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT AND INTERNET ACCESS <br /> <br />The following is a list of those activities which, if conducted, may result in disciplinary <br />action, up to and including termination of City employment and potential civil and/or criminal charges. City computer equipment and/or Internet access shall not under any <br />circumstances be used for: <br /> a. political purposes, religious reasons, harassment activities, obscene <br />activities, racial or ethnic discrimination or any illegal activity; b. gambling, fundraising, operating/conducting a private business, or for <br />private gain or advantage; <br /> c. presenting personal opinions or misinformation about the City, its <br />programs, policies or personnel; and <br /> d. activities that interfere with or disrupt network users, services or equipment. <br /> e. Users shall not seek to breach system security, nor assist others in doing so. <br /> <br />3. INTERNET MONITORING AND BLOCKING