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Metro-INET Acceptable Use Policy Version 3.0 1/1/2024 <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />Audience <br />This policy applies to any person using Metro-INET information systems and Metro-INET affiliate (hereon <br />referred to as “agency”) equipment. Including, and not limited to, all employees, appointed and elected <br />officials, contractors, and volunteers. <br /> <br />Overview <br />This policy serves to protect the security and integrity of Metro-INET’s electronic information systems by <br />educating employees about appropriate and safe use of available technology resources. This policy is <br />meant to provide a minimum-security baseline and supersedes any less restrictive policy. <br /> <br />Metro-INET reserves the right to inspect, without notice, all data, emails, files, settings, or any other <br />aspect of an agency computer or related system, including personal information created or maintained <br />by an employee as determined by the Metro-INET Information Security Manager or agency designated <br />representative. <br /> <br />Beyond this policy, Metro-INET may distribute information regarding precautions and actions needed to <br />protect Metro-INET systems; all employees are responsible for reading and following the guidance and <br />directives in these communications. <br /> <br />Requests for exceptions to this policy can be submitted to Metro-INET and by completing the Metro- <br />INET Risk and Treatment Acceptance form. <br /> <br />Identities <br />Account owners are responsible for the accounts assigned to them and for the actions taken with those <br />accounts. <br /> <br />Accounts must not be shared without prior authorization from Metro-INET, except for calendars and <br />related calendaring functions. <br /> <br />Accounts require a Metro-INET Acceptable Use Policy review and acknowledgement and must meet the <br />Metro-INET Access and Identity standard. Accounts may automatically expire after specific timeframes <br />at the discretion of the Metro-INET Information Security Manager. <br /> Passwords <br />Passwords shall never be shared. If it is necessary to access an employee’s computer or files, contact <br />your supervisor to review or request assistance from Metro-INET. <br /> <br />Metro-INET will not provide access to accounts without the approval of the Metro-INET Information <br />Security Manager. <br /> <br />Passwords shall not be stored in any location on or near the computer or stored electronically such as in <br />a cell phone or other mobile device other than an encrypted password manager solution. (Example: <br />Microsoft Authenticator App) <br />