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TELEWORK <br /> <br /> <br />other telework locations. <br />The City has the right to make a site visit to the telework location to ensure proper procedures are being followed <br />including, but not limited to, employee and work site suitability, protection of data, the assurance that safe <br />working conditions exist, and to maintain, repair, inspect, or retrieve City owned equipment as necessary. <br />Teleworkers must allow access to their remote workspace for the purpose of performing work site <br />inspections as requested. <br /> <br />For regulatory reasons, staff are not generally allowed to telework from any location outside of Minnesota <br />or Wisconsin unless specifically traveling for a work purpose (e.g., work conference) and approved to do so <br />by their department head. The City Administrator, at their discretion, may approve short-term or <br />intermittent limited telework outside of Minnesota or Wisconsin to meet City business needs. EQUIPMENT <br /> <br />The City will provide equipment and related supplies for use by the teleworker. Any equipment supplied by <br />the City for the use at a telework location may not be used for personal purposes by the employee or non- <br />city employees as outlined in the Computer and Internet Use policy. <br />Teleworkers shall promptly notify their supervisor of equipment malfunction, failure, theft, or damage of <br />City owned equipment. In the event of delay in repair or replacement of equipment or any other circumstance under which it would be impossible for the employee to telework, the employee will return to <br />the primary work location to work. <br /> Equipment, hardware, software, supplies, documents and other information or property remain the <br />property of the City no matter where it is located and shall be returned prior to termination of employment <br />or at the request of the City. <br /> DISCLAIMER <br /> Telework agreements can be modified or terminated by the City at any time. Failure of the teleworker to <br />comply with all relevant laws, policies, provisions, requirement or expectations, or the terms of the telework <br />arrangement may result in the loss of telework privileges and/or disciplinary action as necessary or <br />appropriate. <br />