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<br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: January 2, 2024 REGULAR <br /> <br />AGENDA ITEM: Appoint Representative to Cable Commission SUBMITTED BY: Julie Johnson, City Clerk BACKGROUND: The City of Lake Elmo appoints a representative to the Ramsey/Washington Cable Commission. Councilmember Matt Hirn has served as the representative for the last year with former Councilmember Lisa McGinn as the alternate. ISSUE BEFORE COUNCIL: Who should the council appoint to the Cable Commission? PROPOSAL: The City Council appoints, by resolution, a representative to serve as a Director on the Cable Commission. Directors vote in the interest of the member city they represent. RECOMMENDATION: “Motion to approve resolution 2024-005 Appointing a Director to the Ramsey/Washington Cable Commission.” <br /> ATTACHMENTS: <br />• Resolution 2024-005 Appointing A Director To The Ramsey/Washington Cable Commission