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STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: January 2, 2024 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Lake Elmo Airport Advisory Commission SUBMITTED BY: Julie Johnson, City Clerk <br />BACKGROUND: The City has had two representatives (Councilmember Holtz and the Planning Director) serve <br />Lake Elmo Airport Advisory Commission (LEAAC) during the last two years. Those terms are <br />up and the Metropolitan Airports Commission is again requesting the City make appointments for the 2023-2024 terms. They are requesting two representatives from Lake Elmo a primary representative and an alternate to serve on the commission. <br />ISSUE BEFORE COUNCIL: <br />Who should Council appoint to the Lake Elmo Airport Commission? PROPOSAL: The Commission will provide an open and balanced forum for strengthening relationships between <br />MAC, airport users, stakeholders and the community. The proposed membership consists of <br />representatives from surrounding cities, townships, Washington County, airport businesses, pilots and the Experimental Aircraft Association. The role of the Committee will be to participate in discussions about matters concerning the Lake Elmo Airport as well as share information with their respective communities about the Airport. The first meeting is anticipated to held Monday, <br />February 26, 2024 at 3 p.m. at the Baytown Township Hall, with quarterly meetings the remainder <br />of the year. Additional info about the commission can be found at <br />FISCAL IMPACT: <br />NA OPTIONS: Council may appoint any member of staff or the Council who is vested to represent the entire <br />constituency. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: “Motion to appoint ____________as the primary representative and _____________ as the alternate representative to the Lake Elmo Airport Advisory Commission.” <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />• None