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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> JULY 3, 2012 <br /> <br />Page 4 of 6 <br /> <br /> <br />ITEM 10: THIRD QUARTER GOALS <br /> City Administrator Zuleger reported that the 2nd Quarter Work Schedule Program had been met with three exceptions due to disruptions and office modifications of City Hall and the HVAC system in the Annex. The Economic Development Authority (EDA) workshop is scheduled for the July 10th Council Workshop; the budget process is currently underway; City Engineer Griffin is working on the CIP process. Council Member Pearson inquired about the current status of organized trash hauling in the City. He expressed his concern for local business owners and their need for a decision on where this may be heading in the future. He expressed his frustration with the state of limbo, and hoped this would not be delayed until after November. Council Member Pearson expressed he is neither in support or opposed to organized hauling but encouraged the council to make a decision to move on it or not. Council Member Smith stated at the LMC conference they learned how difficult moving forward with the organized collections process may be, and deferred to Administrator Zuleger for details. Administrator Zuleger stated he had been gathering data on the impact multiple haulers have on the condition of the roads, the savings to the residents which appears to be in the amount of approximately 40 percent, and indemnification from future liability. Maplewood is one of the only local cities in 20 years to have successfully made this transition. He expressed it would be expected to be a 9 to 13 month process and would likely cause much external pressure and cautioned that it could take a considerable toll on council and staff. Council Member Smith suggested placing this on a future agenda as it was not on this agenda. City Administrator Zuleger asked whether council would like staff to schedule organized trash hauling on a future agenda. Council Member Park agreed with Council Member Pearson that the residents and business owners concerns should be addressed and there are several versions of organized collections, but suggested tabling the discussion until 2014. In response to Council Member Park, City Attorney Snyder stated it was not appropriate to make a motion on an item not on the agenda. <br />Mayor Johnston asked staff to place this item on the next meeting’s agenda. Council Member Emmons clarified other communities have been successful at organized collection. Mayor Johnston stated our first responsibility is to our residents and there appears to be significant savings. He supported moving forward as is reasonably possible.