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CITE' OF LADE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL MIN€1TES <br />JULY 17, 2012 <br />Mayor Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Johnston, Council Members Smith, Pearson, and Park. <br />Also Present: City Administrator Zuleger, City Attorney Sara Sihender, City Engineer Griffin, City <br />Clerk Thone, and Finance Director Bendel. <br />Absent: Council Member Emmons <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />MOTION: Council Member Pearson moved to approve the July 17, 2012 Ci0i Council Agenda as <br />presented. Council Member Park seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. <br />ACCEPTED MINUTES <br />The July 3, 2012 City Council minutes were approved as amended by consensus of the City Council. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS/INQUIRIES <br />Justin Bloyer, 8881 Jane Road, Lake Elmo, expressed his appreciation for staffs work, time and <br />perseverance during the fairly lengthy process on the lake ordinance and expressed his pleasure at <br />the final result. <br />PRESENTATIONS <br />Virginia Holder, GTN, gave a brief presentation on the various offerings available from the local <br />cable channels including programming for candidates wishing to broadcast messages to the public. <br />She shared contact information and ideas on how to best utilize the system. Mayor Johnston <br />inquired about the ground rules, to which Ms. Holder responded the ground rules would be crafted <br />by staff dependant on council direction and staffing requirements. A discussion was had by council <br />on what parameters they would like to see with regard to the candidate broadcasting options. Ms. <br />Holder encouraged whatever decisions are made would need to be the same for all candidates. <br />Administrator Zuleger suggested asking resident, Mr. Paul Ryberg, if he would be interested in <br />being an independent moderator, and if all the candidates agreed, chose to record a 5-7 minute <br />presentation on their candidacy and their bullet points. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />2. Approve Disbursements in the Amount of $204,836.20 <br />2a. 2nd Quarter Financial Report <br />2b. Year -to -Date Permit Program <br />3. Professional Engineering Support Services Consulting Pool - Approve Updated Pool to <br />add AE2S in the Areas of Water and Wastewater Systems <br />4. Approve Ordinance No.2012-58 Amending 97.21 Watercraft and Water Surface <br />Page 1 of 8 <br />