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09-11-2012 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-11-2012 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br />ITEM E: SPECIAL ACCOUNTS REVIEW <br /> Finance Director Bendel explained that this section is actually the Internal Service funds. The recommendation is to expend the funds currently available, but to not transfer any additional funds into that account. The “Radio Replacement Fund” currently has about $72,000. All proposed expenditures will be brought to the Council separately. One item that is needed is a new large format printer for the Planning Department. The “IT Fund” currently sits at about $24,000. One expected expenditure will be required upgrading of staff computers. The “Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment Fund” were mostly expended performing the renovations to city hall. A discussion was had with council members, and City Administrator Zuleger explained all large expenditures not laid out in the budget will be brought to the Council for approval instead of using the Internal Service Funds. The difference in the CIP Fund process was distinguished from the standard expenditure submission to the council. <br />[Council Member smith arrived at 7:01 P.M.] <br /> <br />ITEM F: 2013-2015 CIP REVIEW <br /> Finance Director Bendel and City Administrator Zuleger explained this was a preliminary draft pro forma. Some work items are still outstanding regarding the pro forma. It was noted that it does not include any revenue from 3M litigation. Finance Director Bendel noted that the CIP will not impact the 2013 Budget Levy. It will impact the 2014 Levy and forward. In response to Council Member Emmons inquiry about the CIP numbers being placeholders until more specific information is brought back to Council, City Administrator Zuleger advised that the Levy motion should include language regarding the pending issues. Mr. Zuleger also pointed out that the council needs to re-hear and re-vote on the Keats Avenue Trunk Water Main. If it did not pass, it would affect the Inwood Avenue Trunk Water Main and booster station and require a redesign, which would have an impact on the figures. Also, there is additional sewer work that needs more investigation in the Legion Avenue/Lake Elmo Avenue area that may affect the calculations. Lastly, it was reiterated that the need for additional fire apparatus will have an impact as well. Mayor Johnston raised the issue of traffic safety enforcement. City Administrator Zuleger explained the estimated cost of $70,000-80,000, but noted that further information is still needed, including the enforcement report of the pilot program and discussion with Washington County Sheriff’s Office. Council Member Smith expressed her wish to refrain from traffic enforcement discussions at this time.
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