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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 1 of 6 <br /> <br />CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 2013 Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Pearson, Council Members Bloyer, Nelson, and Smith [7:02] Also Present: City Administrator Zuleger, City Attorney Snyder, Planning Director Klatt, City Engineer Griffin, Finance Director Bendel, and City Clerk Bell. <br /> <br />PLEDGE OF ALLIGENCE SWEARING IN OF NEW CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Pursuant to state statute, City Clerk Bell swore in new City Council Member Wally Nelson. [Council Member Smith Arrived at 7:02 P.M.] <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA Discussion of the agenda was held. Consensus was reached to table Item 13. Nelson moved to table. MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved to approve the February 5, 2012 City Council Agenda as amended. Council Member Bloyer seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. Consent Agenda Item 13 was tabled. <br />ACCEPT MINUTES ITEM 1: THE JANUARY 15, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS PRESENTED BY CONSENSUS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. PUBLIC COMMENTS/INQUIRIES: Ann Buchek spoke about library events: extended hours Monday-Saturday 10-2pm Tuesday and Thursdays and 3-8 P.M. On February 7th, at 6:30 Rusty Schmidt will speak about rain gardens. East Metro Writers room will be opening on 2/11. Children’s library time- 1st/3rd Friday. This Friday will have Valentine’s Day event. Library has added 500 items - over 6100 volumes. Lake Elmo library has new books and there is practically no waiting. On March 11, Christian Valen, author of Bone Shadows will visit. On April 4th, Family Means will be visiting to discuss budget and financing; Author William Sauder will visit.. PRESENTATIONS: None <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING: EDA <br />