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City Council Workshop Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Pearson, Council Members Bloyer, Nelson, Smith [6:10 PM] Also Present: Planning Director Klatt, City Planner Johnson, City Engineer Griffin, Assistant Engineer Stempski, Finance Director Bendel, and City Clerk Bell <br /> NEED PPT FROM JACK Bringing Sanitary Sewer to the Old Village. Explained that the Comprehensive sewer plan from 2005 has not changed much over the years. Jack gave overview of the Village Sewer Plan. Explained the timeframe and associated deadlines. Explained the option of using the trunk gravity sewer lines. <br />Council Member Smith arrived at 6:10 PM. Griffin explained how the process would happen. Discussion of the remediation and how intense for the 201 system tanks. Minimal remediation. Explained how an additional lift station and forcemain near Reid park can be installed if systems along Lake Elmo Ave fail. Phase 1: LE AVE 1-94… get ppt Easement discussion Reasoning went with the gravity as opposed to forcemain. Savings are long term. More expensive now, but in long run, save $300-400K Areawide assessments down by I-94. Common for targeted developments. Discussion of delayed assessment same as green acres. No assessment until property is sold. It is the opinion of the city engineer that this is an easy to decision to approve. Workshop closed at 6:54PM