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04-09-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-09-2013 CCM
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Joint City Council/Planning Commission Workshop <br />ZONING DISTRICTS, FORM-BASED CODES, & DESIGN STANDARDS Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 6:15 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Pearson, Council Members Bloyer, Nelson, Smith, and Park. Planning Chair Williams, Commissioners Morreale and Haggard, and Larson [6:27PM] Also Present: City Administrator, City Planner Johnson, City Clerk Bell, and Planning Director Klatt <br />[6:26PM] City Admin Zuleger gave summary introduction. Explained purpose of meeting and the growing demand for development. Described a development interest map. Smith asked to be kept informed about meetings regarding developers that are taking place. She wants to stay informed. Mayor explained that his largest concern is that staff. Cautioned about potential quorums when a number of members are involved. Park stated that her experience is that potential developers do not want to meet with the entire council because of desire to maintain level of privacy. Zuleger gave summary of the interested parties and targeted parcels. Explained that these developer meetings keep coming. Explained that everything will be Williams said that it is not worth worrying about the meetings occurring, just that they are occurring. When there is an actual preliminary plat is submitted, then worry about it. Zuleger recommended that city stay ahead on infrastructure. Smith wants to stay on top of the financial aspect of Nelson stated the map is helpful and if council wants Williams asked if staff is explaining to developers that the infrustucture is not in place and that it may/will be a while. It was confirmed that that warning/disclaimer is being given. Planning Director Klatt explained the purpose of the workshop. And gave summary of what updates will be provided Zoning ordinance update. Overview of the process and the work plan schedule. Also explained the priorities. Explained the proposed reorganization. Mayor asked about sign ord. dean second half of year. Lighting and fencing ord discussed Explained the Village Mixed Use (VMX) district zoning. Smith noted her concern about maintaining the character of the village. Discussion of Form-Based Code. Vs traditional zoning. Allows better way to regulate desired development. …
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