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Discussion of design standards. Review process: Mandatory vs voluntary; process for review; demolition review (historic and non-historic). Planning Comm has seen the proposed design stds manual. Discussion of residential vs commercial. Planning comm. has discussed and staff recommendation was that single family homes would not be covered. Multi-family homes would be covered. Johnson noted that not popularly used regulation for SFH. Smith asked how to keep a developer from building 100 identical homes. Zuleger stated that he has heard that because LE’s situation as the last option in east metro, city can state preferences for design standards. The … Park noted that price point controls. Builders have more options at higher priced custom homes. Opposed to restricting builder’s options. Lennar was discussed. Nelson expressed his preference for allowing the market to control. Klatt explained that there are additional items that city can control for neighborhoods. (street width, boulevards, trees, etc. Johnson gave history and overview of manual. Stakeholder workshop very helpful. Need to incorporate theming. Nelson asked for another stakeholder meeting to tweak stakeholder input so far, don’t set up architectural standards too restrictive. Send message to dev com that LE is seeking high quality growth. Directive: Stake holder meeting before public hearing. Johnson: define scope before going to RFP. Council and planning commission dynamics were discussed. Meeting adjourned at 8:53PM