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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 7, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 10 of 14 <br /> <br />Public input: 1. Jill Lundgren 8282 Hidden Bay Ct N presented the petition from Olson Lake and Lake Demontreville lakeshore owners. She thanked the Mayor and Council for their work on this issue. She stated that the Olson Lake and Lake Demontreville lakeshore owners want the pre-2011 ordinance reinstated. 85% signed the petition at their own free will. They asked that Council rescind the hours of operation back to what they were before because that was fair and that was balanced for our lake. She is concerned that coercion took place while obtaining signatures for this petition. Property owners are the stewards of the lake. She expressed concerns about shore line erosion and AIS. This topic does not need to be revisited each year. Also spoke about the Jesuits and Carmelites. She also stated that petition signers respectfully disagree with how this issue has been handled, and that they will be relentless to get it back to the way it was. 2. Betsy McDonough 4711 Birchbark Trail presented the Lake Jane petition. She thanked the Mayor and Council for reconsidering this issue. She explained the petition – 65 properties on the lake, 55 with homes on them. 80% of homeowners want the original sunset to noon no wake ordinance reinstated. The homeowners are also concerned about the water quality, shore line erosion, and wild life habitat. They clean up the trash that is left from others and maintain the shore line so that everyone can continue to utilize the lake both now and in the future. Mayor Pearson asked Ms. McDonough about the survey that was done in 2011 of Lake Jane homeowners that showed almost exact opposite results as the survey that was presented tonight. He asked Ms. McDonough if she has any ideas as to why there was such a change. Ms. McDonough replied that while she can’t speak for others, she has heard some people felt there was a lot of confusion, people didn’t know what they were signing or felt they were being coerced into signing that petition. 3. Pat Dean 8028 Hill Trail North presented four pages that show the times of sunrise and sunset for the months of April-October. He explained the wake period of time when using noon and 9am as wake starting times. He explained differences between amounts of time people are allowed to use the lakes when using the two different starting times. He also stated that there is no time set for other lake usages such as snowmobiles, motor bikes, four wheelers, cars, motorcycles. This is just restricting boat usage. 4. Dean Johnston 8200 Hill Trail North has lived on Olson Lake and Lake Demontreville for 30 years. He stated that Council may have come to a different conclusion if they had used a different process, one that is more consistent with their vision statement. He believes a systematic and consistent process should have been used. He hoped Council will consider moving the time back to noon. 5. Robin Dillon 8190 Hill Trail North wasn’t at the last meeting and wants to emphasize that she hasn’t heard anyone talking about people waterskiing at 6am and playing loud music along with screaming and yelling. 6. Jim Blackford 9765 45th St N talks about quality of life issue. He states that Council is supposed to protect the quality of life. Lake Elmo is unique. City values open spaces and quiet spaces. He states that the petitions are there that say what the people want.