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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 7, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 13 of 14 <br /> <br />stewards of the lakes. Says that Council already has a review of the pre April 16th ordinance because of the petition stating that 83% of people want to see the no wake time moved back to noon. 10. Gary Fields 4751 Olson Lake Trail is a new resident to the City. He says Council is opposing the public opinion and they should be concerned about this and the public perception that it will generate. This will create a negative opinion of the town. Council Member Smith spoke about the decision to put in the Lake Elmo Library and remove the City from the Washington County Library System and that it was made even though the majority of public opinion was against the decision. The majority of citizens also disagreed to put sewer up Lake Elmo Avenue. Council Member Nelson also commented that the petitions were from lake shore owners and they represent less than 5% of the population of the City. This is more than just the lake shore owners backyard, it is a public issue. Mayor Pearson responds to environmental concerns and thinks Council has addressed many of the concerns. 11. Mary Grundeen 8270 Hidden Bay Trail has been a resident for over 42 years. Before they were allowed to purchase property was interviewed and had to be strong in their environmental concerns. History of the city is of part of the environmental concern. Mayor Pearson reiterated again that he would like to try this for one year and see what happens. He understands the quality of life issue and understands the lake shore owners concerns. But he does not believe that the change will bring in tons of water skiers and tubers. Wants to change to 9am for uniformity. There is discussion on the Mayor’s 9am proposal. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved to CHANGE THE SUNSET TO SUNRISE NO WAKE PROVISION AND <br />GO TO A SUNSET TO 9AM NO WAKE PROVISION. Council Member Park seconded the motion. <br />MOTION FAILED 1-4 (Nay – Nelson, Smith, Bloyer and Park). City Administrator Zuleger clarified the no wake language and that Chapter 97.21 (B) language will be for the Tri-Lakes no wake from sunset to sunrise Monday through Friday and sunset to 9am on the weekends and holidays. Mayor Pearson recessed the meeting at 10:51 and reconvened at 10:56. <br />DISCUSSION ONLY <br />ITEM 18: CITY COUNCIL RETREAT (SMITH/NELSON REQUEST) There is discussion about having a Council Retreat this year. <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APPOINTMENTS City Administrator Zuleger presented the slate of candidates for Council’s approval. Mr. Zuleger endorses the slate and highlights their experience and diversity. There is discussion about when the Council appointments to the Planning Commission to fill vacancies will be made. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved to APPOINT MIKE PEARSON TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />AUTHORITY ALONG WITH NICOLE PARK, DAN RALEIGH, JOHN THOMPSON, JOHN SCHILTZ,