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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 7, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 14 <br /> <br />wrong to limit discussion on an important topic. He also talks about an article that was in the paper about the lake issue. Council Member Park responds that calls to the Sheriff were made because at last meeting Council Members were being interrupted as they were trying to speak. It was very disrespectful. Asks folks to not talk while Council is speaking tonight. Council Member Smith responds that no one council member speaks for all of them and that newspapers don’t always get things right. She notes her frustration with the fact that someone called the paper and made this a wider issue. Mayor Pearson also responds about at the last meeting there was 3.5 hours of public comments and that is why input will be limited to 20 minutes. Charlie Stockwell from the Minnesota Boat Club spoke about the MPLS Rowing Club requesting to host a two day rowing competition on Lake Elmo, the 110th NW International Regatta Championship will be held on August 3rd and 4th. They have sent a letter to lake shore residents and received consent from 2/3 of the residents. They have also submitted a special event permit in early April to the City of Lake Elmo which is currently in the process of review. There will be about 400 rowers from US and Canadian rowing clubs who will compete in 52 events. This event will be sanctioned by the US Rowing Association and managed from Lake Elmo Park Reserve. It will be a 2000 meter competition and the event will run from 7am to 7pm on both Saturday and Sunday. They will request a no wake rule for competition and will work with Washington County to get all permits needed. This will be the third time in history that this event will be held in Lake Elmo. <br />PRESENTATIONS <br /> <br />ITEM 2: ROTARY CLUB DONATION- GREG HALL Lake Elmo Rotary Club President-elect Greg Hall presented a donation to the City for the purposes of the beautification of Lake Elmo. Rotary, along with elected officials, city staff, appointed boards, and local citizens have been hard at work pulling together a vision of how to maintain and enhance the appearance of the city as it grows. During the past several years, Rotary has been raising money for various potential projects involving Lake Elmo beautification. Tonight’s donation represents a down-payment to help support the planning and dollar needs of the city with respect to enhancing the character and appearance of Lake Elmo. Mr. Hall presented a check in the amount of $8,000 to Finance Director Bendel. <br />CONSENT AGENDA 3. Approve Payment of Disbursements and Payroll 4. Approve Master Subscriber Agreement for Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies and Master Subscriber Agreement for First Appearance Support Track (FAST) Access; Resolution 2013-31 5. Approve a Revised Master Subscriber Agreement for Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies and a Fast Access Subscriber Amendment for Washington County Pilot Program; Resolution 2013-32 6. Approve League of MN Cities Insurance Trust Waiver Form – Annual Renewal 7. Olson Lake Trail Sanitary Sewer Project – Resolution Approving the Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Oakdale; Resolution 2013-33