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05-21-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-21-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 21, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 1 of 7 <br /> <br />CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 21, 2013 Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Pearson, Council Members Bloyer, Nelson, Smith, and Park Also Present: City Administrator Zuleger, Associate City Attorney Brekken, Planning Director Klatt, City Engineer Griffin, Finance Director Bendel, and City Clerk Bell. <br /> <br />PLEDGE OF ALLIGENCE <br /> <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved TO APPROVE THE MAY 21, 2013 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA <br />AS PRESENTED. Council Member Park seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. <br />ITEM 1: ACCEPT MINUTES <br />THE MAY 07, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS PRESENTED BY CONSENSUS OF <br />THE CITY COUNCIL. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS: a) Susan Hawkinson, 4891 Olson Lake Trail. She posed a couple of questions from last meeting. She pointed out the Council’s adopted guiding principle #2. She asked Council to be mindful of 1) plan for future to preserve natural and open space, and 2) in a democracy, the will of the majority counts and. Asked Council “why do you believe change in ordinance benefits city when majority of citizens opposed.” In addition, … Council Member Smith responded- She has received a large number of not so nice emails and nice emails. A phone call asked why “majority of residents” are primarily considered when dealing with a public lake. Many residents have to go somewhere else to use a lake. Why do people who live on lake get more of a say.” Another call reported all the parking spots are filled by fishermen. Mayor Pearson said he would personally explain his reasoning to Ms. Hawkinson the next day outside of this meeting if she wishes, but the Council has already spent time publically discussing the issue. Council Member Bloyer spoke about his experience growing up on the lake. He posed the question of how much of a problem use has been. The new rules will actually be a benefit to residents with less congestion. Lake use is mainly limited to the weekend. b) Pat Dean: was going to provide more information from 2011 relating to the lake issue, but chose to forgo his permitted time as he deemed it unnecessary.
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