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05-21-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-21-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 21, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 4 of 7 <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson asked about the 15 day parking. Mr. Klatt explained it is already in code. Technically it would not allow even customers. Mr. Nelson asked about storage being restricted from a main street. Mr. Klatt stated that it is more related to control and access issue. More to regulate street traffic as opposed to use. Mr. Nelson asked about music? Mr. Klatt explained that because of the mixed use, if next to residential structure, must be noise compliant so that residential uses are not over-burdened. Enforcement and whether ordinance is too limited was discussed. Council Member Bloyer recalled his Grand Ave. experience and does not want to restrict it. It was pointed out that there is also a noise ordinance that will play into it. Staff noted that the purpose is to expand use. Mr. Nelson asked about accessory uses. It was explained that the purpose was to regulate the situation where the principal use does not include general business. The example of an construction equipment rental facility also sells small related items such as tow straps. Mr. Nelson asked about golf courses and why limited to collector road. What about Tartan Park? Staff noted that 20th Street is actually a minor collector road. There was a small discussion of what defined a street as a collector road. Mr. Nelson asked about alley access. Mr. Klatt said that should actually be removed. It does not apply to mixed use. Mr. Nelson asked about solar panels and height restrictions for adjacent properties. Mr. Klatt said he would have to check into it. There may be some state language that the proposal was based on. Council Member Smith noted that neighborhood associations can restrict the use of solar panels. Hers just did that recently. There was a discussion about how deed covenants can be more restrictive than the city code. Mr. Klatt stated that if additional amendments were needed, staff would come back at later date. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 08-080, ESTABLISHING <br />SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR MULTIPLE USE CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE LAKE ELMO <br />ZONING CODE AND AMENDING IT BY STRIKING “OFFICE-RESIDENCE DISTRICT” AND ALSO <br />STRIKING §154.310(C)(2),(3), AND (4). Council Member Nelson seconded the motion. MOTION <br />PASSED 5-0. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2013-44, AUTHORIZING <br />SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 08-080. Council Member Bloyer seconded the motion. <br />MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 14: APPROVE RESOLUTION FORMALLY ADOPTING A REVISED MOU BETWEEN THE CITY <br />AND THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL; RESOLUTION 2013-45 Planning Director Klatt provided summary of the negotiations addressing the Memorandum of Understanding. This resolution is a memorializing of those agreements. It would afford some additional flexibility and move back time-frame. Metropolitan Council afforded five more years to complete work. Will go back and formally adopt changes to MOU. Another important item is that
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