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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 21, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 6 of 7 <br /> <br />Council Member Bloyer asked that staff suspend action on parks survey until brought back to Council as part of regular agenda. He would like the Council to discuss the survey. City Administrator Zuleger explained status of the survey work. Staff and parks survey subcommittee has worked on staff survey. Staff expects to get at least 500 back. Expected savings are about $10,000-$15,000. Mr. Zuleger gave a summary of the survey and work thus far. There was concern expressed about the statistical significance and random sample being absent with staff survey. Survey integrity and security aspects were discussed. There was also concern about neighborhoods “loading up” the results. There was discussion about how some parks have never been developed and what the process is to get that neighborhood a park. <br />Council Member Park thanked staff for all the meetings attended. <br />City Administrator Zuleger reported attending groundwater/PFC meeting with MPCA. There is a report from MN Dept. of Health indicating a spike on well #1. It is still within enforcement regulations; readying water ordinance to submit to MnDNR. They are currently reviewing electronic versions; have been in developer meetings; Thanked City Engineer Griffin for all his recent work. Many long hours; Mr. Zuleger noted it’s his 15th month here. He thinks city is doing well in communications and citizen engagement. Making many code updates because the code was in such disrepair. Just to bring to normal baseline. Infrastructure repairs, equipment updating/modernizing. Structural repair process needs to continue. <br />Associate City Attorney Brekken no report. <br />Planning Director Klatt reported zoning updates coming. Christ church lot split; RAD2 guidance documents; Olson Lake Trail comp plan to Met Council. Village Comp Plan and the MAC airport safety zones. Discussions with MAC. One issue is legal challenges that have happened to airport zoning and the model ordinances city used. Trying to negotiate with union pacific - a new crossing will be allowed, but will have to close 2 other crossings; still reviewing Savona plat. EAW coming to Council in June. <br />City Engineer Griffin reported Hwy 36 meeting with SRF- MnDOT June 11 workshop with Council; Update with trunk highway 5. Moving ahead with dividing up phases. Working collaboratively. This summer- restriping and resurfacing. Being done later this summer due to activity. City will take lead in public outreach. Alyssa MacLeod and Nick Johnson are coordinating that. Project improvements were not enough to be eligible for SIMS funding. Instead Washington County is taking lead on looking at cooperative agreement and planning turn lanes. MnDOT will be putting in center refuge. The city will be responsible for the flashing beacon. Discussion of what is being pursued - one or two signal lights. Once the crosswalk goes in, there will be a need for the connecting sidewalk; Rain gardens were discussed. Council Member Bloyer asked whose responsibility it is to maintain the rain gardens. Mr. Griffin noted that it is typically the property owner, but issues can provide some shifting of the burden.