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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 02, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 12 of 12 <br /> <br />Finance Director Bendel – reported that the audit is completed. Will presented on 7/16. Behind on budget, but will make it up. Working on bonding. Levy money ($1.7 Million) is coming in on 7/3. <br />City Clerk Bell reported hiring Office Administrative Assistant. Her name is Stacy Bodsberg. Start date is 7/15, over 250 applicants. Actually closed the posting early due to the overwhelming number of applicants. Many qualified applicants. Interviewed about 10 applicants; Council needs to select a date for first City Council meeting in November due to the ISD 834 special election. <br />Meeting adjourned at 10:48 P.M. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br /> _______________________________________ ATTEST: Mike Pearson, Mayor ______________________________________ Adam R. Bell, City Clerk