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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 02, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 12 <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson spoke about the Speak Your Peace project. He specifically spoke about the Speak Your Peace tenet of Common Ground. This entails a healthy respectful discussion about the subjects you disagree on. Seek what you agree on and be respectful about what you differ. Mr. Nelson cited several recent examples. <br />PRESENTATIONS <br />ITEM 2. HUFF N’ PUFF DAYS PROCLAMATION Big Mike Slobodnik spoke about the upcoming Jaycees annual event. He asked for the council’s support. He also asked for the Mayor’s participation in the softball game. Mayor Pearson read the proclamation declaring the second week in August to be Huff n’ Puff Days. Mr. Slobodnik also requested that the Council waive the liquor license and park lights fees. City Clerk Bell confirmed that was included in the Item #6 request. <br />ITEM 3. QUALITY STAR AWARD City Administrator Zuleger presented the quality star award to Beckie Gumatz. She recently assisted with three vital city projects: Valley Cartage/MNDEED grant. There will be a ribbon cutting on July 16 at 3PM; Beckie assisted on the surface water ordinance amendment; and the 2014 state bonding bill. Staff would not have been able to complete those projects in the timeframe needed without her help. <br />ITEM 4. STORM DAMAGE UPDATE City Administrator Zuleger gave update on the storm damage and clean-up status. He explained the actions taken by the city and the city’s assessment of the damaged areas. Over 500 trees down in the community, which is significant for city our size. He thanked Xcel for their hard work. Council Member Bloyer asked about instituting a policy to address abuses of City’s help. Mr. Zuleger responded that health and safety were a priority, but because it had not happened in a while, there was not a ready plan. However, going forward there will be a plan/process in place. An after action meeting will be held to discuss the process. Mayor Pearson commended staff public works/fire crew on its efforts. He also agreed that it would be prudent to have that discussion about a policy. <br />CONSENT AGENDA 5. Approve Payment of Disbursements and Payroll in the amount of $459,381.20 6. Approve Temporary Liquor License for Jaycees – Huff ‘n Puff Days 7. Professional Engineering Support Services Consulting Pool – Approve Updated Pool to Add EOR in the area of Surface Water 8. Tree Service Ordinance; Ordinance 08-083; Ordinance 08-084, Resolution 2013-50 9. Approve Variance – 4719 Olson Lake Trail; Resolution 2013-51(50) 10. Approve IUP Renewal - Country Sun Farms