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08-20-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-20-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 20, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 1 of 6 <br /> <br />CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 20, 2013 Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Pearson, Council Members Bloyer, Nelson and Reeves <br />ABSENT: Council Member Smith Also Present: City Administrator Zuleger, City Attorney Snyder, City Planner Johnson, City Engineer Griffin, Finance Director Bendel, and City Clerk Bell. <br />PLEDGE OF ALLIGENCE <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 20, 2013 CITY COUNCIL <br />AGENDA. Council Member Reeves seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />ITEM 1: ACCEPT MINUTES <br />THE AUGUST 06, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS AMENDED BY CONSENSUS <br />OF THE CITY COUNCIL. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS: Hank Gray, 231 Everett Street N. Stillwater, spoke on mountain biking in Sunfish Lake Park. He introduced Matt Trumper, high school junior and member of Nordic Ski Team, and Davis Gray, senior captain on ski team. Both boys are members of new mountain biking team. Mr. Gray outlined the request- 15-30 members consisting of junior high to seniors in high school are on team. Request would be for one day for 2 hours per week for 8 weeks in the park. There is a limited area close by that provides safety for students. Still use Lake Elmo Park Reserve. Estimated 15 riders at the most. He also offered two days of service in park to clean and clear trails. The team would work with City to minimize any minimal impact. Team is very respectful of park and its beauty. Also want to teach kids how to be stewards of environment. Does not want a fight and will respect whatever decision the council makes. Mayor suggested that Mr. Gray speak to the Parks Commission. Council Member Bloyer took issue with waiting because it will be another 4 weeks before Parks Commission meets again. The Mayor thinks it would be a great use, but reiterated that he thinks the Parks Commission should be consulted. All Members were of the opinion that the group’s request was reasonable. Council Member Reeves asked about the condition of the trails after the recent storms. City Administrator Zuleger said there are still some treacherous spots, but Public Works is working on it. What the Land Trust would allow for use was discussed. Mr. Zuleger said that the Land Trust has classified biking as an active activity and easement only allows passive. The issue and request was referred to the Parks Commission. <br />
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